Monday, November 24, 2014

Sopaipillas veganas con pebre

- 5 cups of flour
- 1 tsp of yeast
- 1 cup of pumpkin
- 3 Tbsp of oil (non vegan recipe is with butter)
- Salt for the dough
- Enough frying oil

- Cook the pumpkin and then make a pure(save the water)
- In a big bowl put the flour, yeast, salt, oil and pumpkin pure
- Start mixing it all together and go adding water used to cook the pumpkin
- When the dough is very soft, let it stand for around 25-30 minutes for the yeast to make his thing
- Roll out the dough to half to 1 cm thick and cut into 10 cm diameter (or whatever you like)

- Fry until light brown (3-4 min)

*You can serve with pebre
- 1 onion (chopped)
- 2 tomatoes (chopped)
- Cilantro
- some garlic
- vinegar
- olive oil
- pepper

Friday, November 21, 2014

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Pasta with Homemade Tomato/Portobello mushroom sauce

-Portobello mushroom
-Carrots / Zanahoria
-Onion / Cebolla
-Tomato sauce

-Cook the pasta
-Saute all the ingredients
-Mix with the tomato sauce

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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Potato mushroom chowder

-Mushrooms / Champiñones
-Potatoes /Papas
-Red Pepper / Pimiento rojo
-Onion / Cebolla
-Scallions / Cebollín
-Spices / Condimentos

-Cook the potatoes / Cocer las papas
-Saute all the other ingredients / Sofreir el resto de los ingredientes
-Mash the potatoes and mix with the sauted ingredients / Moler las papas y mezclar con los ingredientes sofritos
-Cook for another 5 minutes / Cocinar por otros 5 minutos
-Serve with scallions or cilantro on top /Servir con cebollín o cilantro

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Mashed potatoes with peas, corn, and mushroom sauce / Pure con arvejas, choclo, y salsa de champiñones


for the sauce:
-soy sauce
-milk (I used unsweetened almond milk)
-vegan margarine

-cook the peas and corn
-make you mash potatoes
-for the sauce, saute the onions and mushrooms in a pan with the margarine. Then add the milk and flour depending on how thick you
want it, and stir, add 2 spoons of soy sauce.

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Saturday, November 1, 2014

Palta Cebolla

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Palta Cebolla

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Palta Cebolla Ajo

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Pan con Palta Tomate

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